I’m currently in the 11th grade and will be graduating in 2023 my question is how can I go to a Korean uni as a freshman for at least 2 yrs. Do I have to be in an American uni first or do I have to enter as an exchange student.
Asked by: daintynql, 1209 days, 6 hours, and 45 minutes ago
There are many different paths you can take to study in Korea. Right after you graduate from High School you can:
Take a Korean language course at a Korean university for 20-60 weeks
Apply for a Bachelor's Degree in English in Korea (limited to a few programs such as International Relations, International Economics, International Law or Culture and Humanities)
Take a Gapyear in English with Freshman level courses at a school like Hanyang University Ansan
If you want to enroll in an undergraduate program in Korean you will have to start by learning the Korean language to Topik 3 level or higher (30+ weeks language course).
If you want to take Study Abroad-semesters at many Korean universties you need to be enrolled in a university at home and have studied at least 1-2 semesters there. However, that is not needed for the programs above.
Answered by: Johan at DreamStudies, 2021-10-19 22:34:37
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