To whom it may concern,
My name is Marie and I am a Medical Doctor from Lebanon aiming to pursue research and potentially a future residency in the US. I am writing to kindly ask you a question regarding the J-1 visa process. I recently got an offer for a research position at X University and received my DS-2019 form last week that I haven't signed nor presented to the embassy yet. The position is unpaid. In the meantime, I received other unexpected paid opportunities that I would prefer proceeding with for financial reasons. I wonder if it would be possible to issue another DS-2019 form by the new sponsor? Would this affect my ability to get a J-1 visa from the new sponsor? Also, do I have to return the old DS-2019 to the visa services office?
Thank you,
Marie Elise
Asked by: Marie Elise, 937 days, 5 hours, and 43 minutes ago
Each US university that accepts you as a J-1 student will issue a DS-2019 form, so yes you can receive more than one. Once you have decided on which school to attend you use their document to apply for the visa and let the other schools know that you won't attend their program. They will then deactivate the DS-2019 and possibly ask you to return it. Ask the school what their routine is.
Answered by: Johan at DreamStudies, 2022-07-19 10:59:42
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