CSN Funding for a degree which includes a foundation year?
CSN Funding for a degree which includes a foundation year?
I have been accepted to study a bachelor degree in the UK however it includes a foundation year as part of the degree. I have checked the module catalog and course specification and it states that the courses I’ll be studying are at level 4 (equivalent to first year of university). My question is can I receive CSN for the foundation year if it’s an integrated part of the degree?
I sent in a 5514w form for a finance init and they said it gave right to CSN. So I’m a bit confused….
Asked by: Brent, 144 days, 17 hours, and 54 minutes ago
Foundation programs are classified as high school level by CSN which means that you can't get CSN for these programs until July 1 the year you turn 20. CSN only supports foundation programs outside EU only if they judge that you can't take the same program in Sweden. If the foundation is an integrated part of your degree it increases the chances. If you filled out a 5514 specifically for the foundation program and CSN approved it then you should be fine. If the 5514 was for the Bachelor's Degree then there is no guarantee.
Foundation degrees outside EU are judged on a case by case basis by CSN. We can never know or guarantee what decision they will reach. To get a final decision you have to apply for CSN funding for your specific program. Contact CSN directly for more info.
Answered by: Johan at DreamStudies, 2024-09-18 13:29:02
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