Do I need all diplomas (HS/College) for a visa to Japan?
Do I need all diplomas (HS/College) for a visa to Japan?
I've graduated college in 2015, and I'm applying for a Japanese Student Visa to pursue studying the language. In the requirements are the schools I've studied in.
Do I need to have my diploma for everything?
- Grade school
- High School
- College
I only have the College diploma, along with transcripts. Would this be enough?
Similarly, I don't exactly recall the exact "month" that I've graduated for Grade-school and High-school. Would that be fine? I can "guesstimate" the month, but that's it. All I can recall is the year. Kindly let me know. Thank you!
Asked by: Raphael, 1397 days, 8 hours, and 44 minutes ago
First you need to apply to a Japanese Language School and send them all required documents then they will apply for a CoE for you. When applying through a language school your college diploma should be enough if you took a Bachelor's Degree or Master's Degree. Otherwise your high school diploma will be needed. If you contact your old high school they should be able to send you a new diploma it is good to have regardless. Grade school diplomas are not needed and you can guestimate the month.
The final decision on what documents are needed are taken by the language school you apply to. We can help you to find suitable language schools in Japan.
Fill out our information request form if you want help.
Answered by: Johan at DreamStudies, 2021-04-11 22:35:17
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