I want to study abroad but don't want to repeat 11 and 12?
I want to study abroad but don't want to repeat 11 and 12?
this is my last year at fsc and I want to apply abroad. Still, most of them have the rule to get higher schooling 11 and 12 again .. can we have another way to join universities that repeat higher schooling education?
Asked by: maha, 899 days, 19 hours, and 59 minutes ago
Universities abroad usually demand that you have graduated from high school/secondary school and have done at least 12 years of school in your home country. However, Seattle Colleges in Washington State, USA offers a High School Completion plus program where you get both an Associate Degree and an American High School Diploma in only two years. That is probably your best option.
Answered by: Johan at DreamStudies, 2022-08-25 09:37:14
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