Eligibility for scholorship in uk if I drop one subject?
Eligibility for scholorship in uk if I drop one subject?
So right now I am in 12th grade and i have an option of dropping out a subject, I have taken the subjects physics, chemistry, math and biology. I am dropping biology, and I heard many universities give scholorship only to students studying English +4 subjects but as I am planning on dropping a subject it would be english + 3 subjects. Moreover, I am planning on doing my undergrad in graphic design. Am I eligible for scholorship in uk ?
Asked by: Aditi, 612 days, 6 hours, and 59 minutes ago
I cannot speak for scholarships given by others. Read the scholarship requirements on the websites of the UK universities you are interested in and contact them directly for more information.
Answered by: Johan at DreamStudies, 2023-06-05 16:00:07
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