I ought to make enquiries on getting a top up course in a school. I will love to top up my degree preferably with a different course before doing my masters because Am unsure whether I will get into a university to do my masters with a third class(business administration) I really need to further my education .please help me with schools in preferably Canada and in Europe
Asked by: Abena, 2386 days, 7 hours, and 22 minutes ago
If you have taken a Bachelor's Degree then the next step is usually to apply for a Master's Degree. However, if you just want to take some more courses before doing so you can go for 1-2 study abroad semesters abroad or just take some summer courses. Depending on your previous studies you might also be able to take a dual Bachelor by studying one more year. Contact the university directly in that case. You can find universities in Canada and Europe in our school database. And here are schools where you can take an MBA abroad.
Answered by: Johan from DreamStudiesAbroad.com, 2018-03-04 14:01:21
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