How to get a new offer letter from university in Canada?
How to get a new offer letter from university in Canada?
I am vikash 21 yrs from Mauritus. I applied my undergraduate programme from canada university & got offer letter which I accepted, I already paid my intake also. After that I applied my student Visa, which got rejected due to some financial reason. Now I need to ask fresh offier letter from university. What should I do. what should I write university?
Asked by: vikash kumar, 1693 days, 5 hours, and 33 minutes ago
This is nothing we can help you with. Just write to the university and explain that your visa got rejected. Then they should be able to advice you what to do and hopefully send you need a new offer letter. Otherwise you might be able to get a refund of at least some of the paid fees.
Answered by: Johan at DreamStudies, 2020-01-22 15:37:40
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