I was born and raised in small european country. In high school i had "gpa" of 2,6 in four year combined. My question is, is that gpa satisfactory to be accepted to community college in USA (seattle) and do i need anything other than a high school diploma and ielts to be eligible?
And whether it is possible to do part-time work, in order to achieve greater finances?
Best Regards.
Asked by: Valentine, 1102 days, 21 hours, and 3 minutes ago
I can never guarantee that you get accepted to a school since that depends on which program you apply for and how the rest of your application looks. However, Community Colleges operate on an open admission policy where almost anyone with a high school diploma can get accepted (and Seattle Colleges even offer High School completion programs). So you should have a very good chance at getting accepted if you pass the English requirements and have the money to pay for your tuition fees and living costs.
The US are quite restrictive with student jobs. You are only allowed to work on campus from your second semester. But after your degree you can stay and work for one year on OPT.
Answered by: Johan at DreamStudies, 2022-01-06 23:45:20
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