I have the opportunity to study in Spain for 1 year old as part of my degree with Nottingham University as a mature student and my costs are covered.
I want to bring my 16 year old son with me. He will have completed his GCSEs and can resume his academic studies when we return a year later.
Are they any options for him to study anything (either academic or general Spanish conversation) or do volunteer work purely to keep him busy and meet friends? I will cover his cost of living and visa but cannot afford private schools
Asked by: Kelly, 1190 days, 16 hours, and 56 minutes ago
It would be possible for him to take a one year course at a Spanish Language School, but these are private language schools that comes with a reasonable tuition fee. However, if you are not interested in private schools then your only option is to contact public high schools in the city where you will study. We cannot help you with this, we only work with higher education programs and language courses.
Answered by: Johan at DreamStudies, 2021-11-07 14:23:00
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