Study abroad in 9 weeks and change your career

Are you tired of your job? Do you regret that you never studied abroad? Do you want to start working as soon as possible? Take a 9 week bootcamp in web or UX / UI Design abroad.

Changing your career may seem like a giant step that requires a big investment of time and money. However, it does not have to be. You can change your life and career in only 9 weeks by taking a boot camp program in web development or UX / UI Design where 70-90% of the students get a job in the industry within three months of graduation. Best of all, you get the chance to live and study abroad at a reasonable cost and without all the hassle of a complete university application.

Study at Ironhack in Europe or America

These intensive courses are offered at Ironhack, ranked top three in the world for Boot camps focusing on web development and UX/UI Design. Choose between the following campuses:

How can I learn enough in just 9 weeks?

Ironhack test all their students for suitability before they are accepted into the program. You will do some preparatory tasks before the course begins to learn the basic concepts. During the course, you will be scheduled 8 hours a day five days a week and have new tasks to complete every day.

Upon completion of the course, you should have acquired sufficient knowledge to be able to work in this field. You will have a good understanding of the subject, and you will have acquired the tools needed to continue to learn more on your own. In this industry, you always have to learn new things to keep up with the demands of your employer and the technical evolution.

Read more about Ironhack and fill out an information request.

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