Study abroad preparation

Have you been accepted to a school abroad and are waiting to start your adventure? Then it's time to prepare and make sure you don't forget anything important. Here is 10 tips:

If you haven't applied and been admitted to a school abroad yet, we recommend that you fill out our info request form to get started. Once you have been accepted to a school abroad, follow the checklist below:

1. Documentation and Visa

2. Accommodation

We can currently help you with student housing in Japan, accommodation in Korea, and student accommodation in many other countries like the US, UK, Australia, Spain, Germany, France etc through our accommodation partner Uhomes.

Read more in our article Student Housing when studying abroad.

3. Finances

4. Health and insurance

5. Culture and Language

6. Packing

Find more advice in our Packing list for studying abroad

7. Mental preparation and goal setting

Studying abroad can be challenging if you have not lived alone before and are used to having friends and family around you.

You can find more advice on this in our article How to maximize your Study Abroad experience

8. Academic Preparations

9. Emergencies and communication

10. Arrival

Preparing for study abroad might seem overwhelming, but by taking it step by step and being thoroughly prepared, you can look forward to a rewarding and memorable experience. Best of luck with your studies!

More information

Find more information in our Study Abroad Checklist and our Study Abroad Handbook.

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