How to apply to universities abroad

Applying to a foreign university is usually the most daunting task for a student who wants to study abroad, but it is usually not so difficult. Here we will look at it step by step.


When should I apply?

The basic rule is the sooner, the better. If you apply early, you have a greater chance of arranging everything on time, and you will be able to apply for another school if you are not accepted. Early applications also give you greater chances of getting a scholarship.

High-ranking universities often have an application deadline of up to one year before the start of the course. The University of Cambridge in England, for example, has their application deadline in October for the programs that start in October the following year. Ordinary universities often have deadlines approximately six months before the start of the course while smaller colleges and low-ranking universities often take applications up to a month or two before the semester starts. However, it is always better to apply early, so you have enough time to submit a complete application and get a visa on time.

For longer courses in Japan, you should apply close to half a year before the start of the course to get your student visa on time. If you want to study in the United States, you should also apply in good time since visa interview slots will be in shortage at many US Embassies close to the big starting dates. Read more about student visa to the US and Japan.


How many schools should I apply for?

It is better to make one good application than many bad ones. Often you can get a reply within a month, so if you apply early, you still have the chance to apply for more schools if you don’t get accepted. Many schools charge application fees for international students so that is another reason not to apply to so many schools.

For low-ranking universities, community colleges and language schools it is easy to get accepted so applying to one school is usually enough, but if you apply for high-ranking universities, it will be harder. Then you might apply for a couple at the same time.


Where do I apply?

Nowadays applications are usually made online on the school's website. In the UK and Ireland most university applications are made online through UCAS and CAO.

We and/or our partners can help you with the application to many language schools and universities abroad. Fill out an information request so we can help you!


What are the requirements to get accepted to a university abroad?

This is a very common question which is impossible to answer. Each school and program have their own admission requirements which you can look up on the school’s website.

To apply for an undergraduate program, you need to have graduated from high school, and you will need to fulfill the school’s language requirements. To study at Master level you need a Bachelor’s Degree and/or several years work experience. Language requirements are usually higher at Master level since you will be dealing with a more complex academic language. Read more in our article do I need good grades to study abroad?

However, you can study abroad even if you have bad grades or never graduated from high school. Seattle Central College has a high school completion plus program where you can take an Associate Degree and a high school diploma in only two years. Another option is to study at a language school abroad, they are open to anyone who wants to improve their language skills.


What documents do I need to submit when I apply?

What you should submit with your application differs from school to school. You will find this information under Admission Requirements (or a similar headline) on the school’s website. Here are some of the most common documents that you need to submit when you apply to a university abroad:


Can you help me with the application?

Together with our partners we can help you with the application to:

Fill in an information request so we can help you!

More information

You might also be interested in our article how to get into the best universities in the world.

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