Can I apply to study abroad as an undergraduate student?
Can I apply to study abroad as an undergraduate student?
Can you please give me some information about whether I can apply for a school abroad from Bangladesh (to mainly S.korea or Japan) as an undergraduate student who is currently in grade 9? What are the necessary steps that I must take to do so? It would be very helpful if you could guide me about the steps.
Asked by: Elma, 1647 days, 22 hours, and 18 minutes ago
To do undergraduate studies abroad you usually need:
12 years of schooling from your home country, i.e. you will need a high school diploma
Sufficient savings to pay for your tuition fee and living costs. At least $9000/year in Korea and 1 600 000 Yen in Japan, but requirements vary with different schools and programs.
Sufficient scores on the TOEFL or IELTS-test, if you will take a program, taught 100% in English. However, in Korea and Japan most international students start out by learning the language. In Korea you would normally need TOPIK 3 level, and in Japan you would need JLPT N2 level for vocational schools, Senmon Gakko, and usually an EJU-test for university.
If you have not graduated from high school you can go on High School Exchange programs or shorter language courses abroad but it is very hard to get scholarships for that kind of programs so you will still need your own funding.
Answered by: Johan at DreamStudies, 2020-05-29 15:07:11
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