Language school in Japan without 12 years formal edu?
Language school in Japan without 12 years formal edu?
I'm interested in possibly enrolling in a language school in Japan, however I have one problem. I do not posses the prerequisite 12 years of formal education. I hold an accredited TEFL certification and am currently teaching English to foreign students and have been doing so for over two years and have lived in Ecuador, Panama and Italy.
What are my options for getting around this?
Asked by: James, 1665 days, 7 hours, and 22 minutes ago
Hi, it is no problem to study in Japan without a high school degree. However, you cannot get a student visa. So you would have to study on visa waiver or a working holiday visa (depending on your nationality).
Answered by: Johan at DreamStudies, 2020-07-20 22:18:55
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