As many agencies are now offering work while studying in other countries. Im already 32yrs old. Do you have the same programs also? I've been planning to go for New Zealand but if there is an option for South Korea/Spain at a lesser budget. I might reconsider.
Asked by: Michelle Pendilla, 1777 days, 15 hours, and 24 minutes ago
We can help you with self-funded language courses, study abroad semesters and Degree programs in Korea. If you study on a student visa you have the right to work part time after 6 months with your schools approval. Some nationalities can also get a Working Holiday visa to Korea which you can use to combine language courses with part time work from day 1. However, we do not help you to find work in Korea. To get accepted to the schools and get a student visa you must prove that you have sufficient funds, at least $9000 for a one year language course.
Answered by: Johan at DreamStudies, 2020-03-05 15:43:19
We answer all questions here free of charge to the best of our ability at the time that the question was asked. However, conditions can change and mistakes can be made. We cannot in any way be held liable for an problems you might encounter based on our information on this website.
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