Below 50% of what? Study what? We need more information to be able to give meaningful answers, and the requirements to get accepted varies between different schools and programs so even with better information we cannot give a complete answer.
Korean language courses usually have the lowest requirements. On language courses with a student visa (20+ weeks) the requirements are usually that you have graduated from high school and that you can show enough money to cover your costs (at least $9000 USD).
Due to visas and agreements we cannot help all nationalities with the application to language courses in Korea, but we can give free application support to students from Europe, The Americas, Australia, New Zeeland, Russia, China and Japan. Fill out our information request form if you want help.
Answered by: Johan at DreamStudies, 2019-12-13 18:42:10
We answer all questions here free of charge to the best of our ability at the time that the question was asked. However, conditions can change and mistakes can be made. We cannot in any way be held liable for an problems you might encounter based on our information on this website.
You do not commit to anything by filling in the form above. We and/or some suitable schools/partners will contact you with more information. We will not share your details with anyone else. By submitting this request you accept our conditions and handling of personal data.