Can I study abroad if I don't have good grades in high school?
Can I study abroad if I don't have good grades in high school?
I need help I don't have good grades in high grades. But my dream is to study businesses and to become a business man do I have place to study abroad free.
Asked by: McDonald, 1846 days, 7 hours, and 59 minutes ago
It is possible to study abroad even if your grades are not so good. You could, for example, study business abroad at an American Community College where it often is possible to get accepted with limited grades.
However, studying abroad for free is very unlikely. Unless you are an EU-student studying in northern Europe there will be tuition fees and you will also need to prove that you have enough money to cover your living costs to get a student visa. There are scholarships but on undergraduate level they usually work more like a discount towards your tuition fee. Full scholarships are extremely rare on undergraduate level. Read more about scholarships for studying abroad.
Answered by: Johan at DreamStudies, 2020-01-19 17:48:14
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