Can I study in London?
Good day Sir/Madam,
I am really very much interested to study in London.
My study background:
4-year Bachelor of Science degree in Water Resources Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (study period: 2002-2008, medium instruction was English).
2-year full-time working experience as a Water Resources Engineer under the Ministry of Water Resources, Bangladesh (job period: 2008-2010).
2-year Master degree in Water System Technology at KTH Kungliga Tekniska högskolan (study period: 2010-2012, medium of instruction was English. I did NOT finish the program.
2 år utbildning på Vatten- och miljötekniker i Stiftelsen Yrkeshögskolan, Järfälla, Stockholm (pågår, 2019-2021, instruktionsmedium är svenska).
I am interested to study one or two year diploma in water sector in any college/university in London.
Could you please help me regarding admission in college/university in London?
I will be eagerly waiting for your kind, quick and positive reply.
Thank you very much for your kind attention!
Asked by: Mahmudur, 1699 days, 18 hours, and 5 minutes ago
Yes we have a partner who can help you to find and apply to suitable universities and colleges in London if you have the funding to pay for tuition fees and living costs. As an international student in London you will need at least $30000/year to cover your costs. Fill out our information request form if you want help from our partner.
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Answered by: Johan at DreamStudies, 2020-01-19 17:51:18
We answer all questions here free of charge to the best of our ability at the time that the question was asked. However, conditions can change and mistakes can be made. We cannot in any way be held liable for an problems you might encounter based on our information on this website.
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