can u tell me is there any exam that i can do as an international student to go south korea for study universities and to live there in my whole life by doing a part time job if needed?
Asked by: Kaveesha, 1374 days, 10 hours, and 11 minutes ago
To take a degree in Korean you usually need to pass the Korean Language exam Topik at level 3, but to keep up with classes we recommend that you reach a higher level than this. That means studying Korean language for at least a year at a Korean Language Institute.
When you study a language course or degree program in Korea on a student visa you can work part-time with your school's permission after six months. In order to get a student visa you must be accepted to the school and be able to prove that you have at least $10000 in your bank account.
Once you have graduated from a school in Korea you would need to get a work visa or a spouse visa in order to stay in the country.
Answered by: Johan at DreamStudies, 2021-05-04 13:48:44
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