I plan on studying in korea at the university of arts for acting. The thing is I'll be 17 and 9 months old when I will hopefully go to korea. I've heard that people go to uni in korea at 18 or 19. So i'm worried if i can get a job and live there on my own because i'm unsure.
Asked by: Azka, 566 days, 14 hours, and 43 minutes ago
If the university accepts you I do not see any big problems, since you are starting the year that you turn 18. However, your parents will probably have to act as your guarantor and sign some documents for you since you would still be seen as a minor. You might also be too young for some accomodation options.
The main requirement to get accepted to Korean universities and get a student visa is that you have graduated from high school and studied for at least 12 years. For more information contact the university you are interested in.
Answered by: Johan at DreamStudies, 2023-07-22 10:31:15
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