Are PLHIV still allowed to study in Gakuin University?
Are PLHIV still allowed to study in Gakuin University?
Good day!
May I ask regarding with the policy of Gakuin University in Osaka, Japan if the student will be positive in HIV? They will still accept the student applicant for the study?
Asked by: John Artes, 2524 days, 0 hours, and 54 minutes ago
Normally being HIV positive should not be something that stops you from going to university. However, I cannot answer for the policies of individual schools. To get an answer to this question you need to contact the university directly or apply with them to see the result.
Russia demands a negative HIV test in order to issue a student visa but I am not aware of this restriction in any other countries.
Answered by: Johan from, 2018-03-15 15:22:08
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